A Group businessmen and high level officers went to Japan in order to develop the commercial relationship between two countries under the presedency of the Minister of Economy Nihat ZEYBEKCİ.

Deputy Cahirman of Turkish Exporters Assmebly and the president of Denizli Exporters' Association Süleyman KOCASERT was also participating the delegation.

Japan is An Important Target Market

Süleyman KOCASERT, commented on the program anda said: "As Denizli Exporters Association we hosted a group of representives from Japanese firms, last year. Actually, in this program I concretely observed the issues that we talked in Denizli. In Japanese culture, giving and receiving present is very important. And we saw that, towels and other home textile products are the most prefered among these presents. This may be a valuable opportunity for Denizli Home Textile Producers”

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