Denizli Home Textile Cluster was in Kuwait and Dubai...

The program, which brought together the buyers from Kuwait and Dubai and the home textile companies of Denizli, was carried out by Denizli Exporters Association at the date between 10th of February, 2018 and 15th of February,2018.

Within the scope of "Development of International Competitiveness Project (URGE)”, 9 participant firms of the Cluster found the opportunity of meeting 60 sector representative firms in both 2 province. Turkish Towel continues to be one step forward due to its quality and design developing day to day in comparison with its competitors.

Turkish Towels were at Gulf Region at this time !

Under the Dubai Trade Mission Program, Turkish Trade Counsellor of Dubai, Mr. Hasan Önal visited the contributor firms and stated that the program would provide great contribution to the image of Turkish Towels and the export figures of Denizli. Mr Önal had also informed the contributor firms about the commercial structure of United Arab Emirates and the issues to be considered in export before the meetings.

As the members of DENİB Board; Mr. Ahmet Zora and Mr. Murat Tosunoğlu informed Mr. Önal about Denizli Home Textile sector and their targets besides, they stated that a lot of positive B2B meetings had been held in Dubai and the next trade missions in another target countries would prepare the ground for successful results.


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